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Effective Date: 2023-10-26
ID: SQ-524
Description: Affected Processes added on Recorded Issues + CAPA Metadata under relations.
Improvement: CAPAs and Recorded issues can be linked to Processes via the Affected Processes field.
ID: SQ-552
Description: Special characters are not picked up on the signature page.
Improvement: Due to the font (Helvetica) used on the Electronic Signature page added to documents, foreign characters did not pick up on the signature page. The font has been changed to Arial and is now capturing the correct characters. This change will only be visible on documents approved after the update to 3.1.1.
ID: SQ-550
Description: Expand the Visual Workflows to all classes.
Improvement: Visual workflows are configured for all existing workflows to provide better visual support when navigating workflows.
ID: SQ-549
Description: Create optimized views for users who only have Read Only permissions.
Improvement: A new subset of views created for Released documents organized by different metadata – found under 2. Main Views > 1.1 All Released.
ID: SQ-557
Description: New view for File class.
Improvement: A new subset of views created for the File class organized by different metadata – found under 2. Main Views > 1.2 All Files.
ID: SQ-547
Description: Add columns and a “none” folder to all Person views in Masterdata views.
Improvement: More relevant information is shown in Person views including delegation of permissions, state, and access. Added grouping in By Training Group and By Department for users without relevant metadata – will show as No Training Group and No Department.
ID: SQ-545
Description: Human Resources should have the option to click on Reassign to New RP / Author.
Improvement: Since Human Resources users can complete the delegation of permissions to and from users, they are given permission to the state transition option “Reassign to New Author / RP” on all document classes, templates, actions, tasks, suppliers, and equipment so after delegation, they can trigger reassignment.
ID: SQ-541
Description: Improve the email storage experience on the metadata of Files.
Improvement: Properties for Person(s) and Email From which are automatically captured if relevant data is available in the vault are organized under relations.
ID: SQ-540; SQ-508
Description: Create a view that excludes “not required” training records.
Improvement: A new subset of views created for the Training Records class organized by different metadata – found under 2. Main Views > 11. Training > 1.5.1 Detailed TR (Required) and renaming of view 1.5 Detailed TR for the shorter trail.
ID: SQ-525
Description: Allow all users to see the license dashboard.
Improvement: All users have access to 3. Masterdata > License dashboard for viewing users who are logged in. Force Log Out can be requested from Metadata Admins of the system. You can learn more about the license dashboard here.
ID: SQ-487
Description: Improve the error message “You cannot route a document that is not controlled by a CR…”.
Improvement: For Quality Documents, Templates, and Recorded Issues the error for the message is improved for clarity.
ID: SQ-554
Description: Customer audit views are missing.
Improvement: Added 5. Customer Audit view in 2. Main Views > 2. Audits and included Customer Audit-related documents in 7. Documents Related to Audit.
ID: SQ-544
Description: Remove documents automatically from CR scope if they are set to Not Current – Archive.
Improvement: CR can progress with attached templates and Documents that have been set to Not Current under the execution state.
ID: SQ-543
Description: Complaint template – complaint receiving date not available.
Improvement: Added Complaint Receiving Date to template metadata card for capturing field code inside the template on Target Class Complaint templates.
ID: SQ-533
Description: 3 days or less to overdue Notification.
Improvement: Notification is triggered when objects are reaching 3 Days or Less to Overdue state for the assigned user.
ID: SQ-575
Description: Completed date on training records.
Improvement: There is a risk that the completed date on training records is incorrectly updated showing a date that is not the date when the record was completed. Immediate action here is to hide the property to avoid the risk of showing incorrect dates. A later correction is planned to solve the issue and correct the dates that are incorrect (SQ-574).