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New SimplerQMS User Interface

We are excited to announce a new, modern look and feel of the SimplerQMS Windows Desktop Client, which will be coming to you during the week of November 21-25, 2022.

Feel free to watch the video below:

The new Desktop Client delivers a cleaner and easier way to navigate around the SimplerQMS application. There are no changes to workflows or any core functionality of SimplerQMS. This video gives you a short preview of the new interface before the update is released.

The SimplerQMS Web Application will at a later time be updated to have the same look and feel as the Windows Desktop Client. This will ensure a consistent user experience across platforms.

Finally, you don’t need to do anything to get the new Client. It will automatically become available to you with the next monthly update.

Please write to support@simplerqms.com if you have any questions or feedback for us.

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